Why Billionaire Peter Thiel Opposes Direct Democracy

David Graeber vs Peter Thiel: Where Did the Future Go?

The Baffler Magazine (2020)

Film Review

This documentary is a very odd debate between billionaire venture capitalist Peter Thiel* and the late anarchist David Graeber. For me, the body language says it all. Thiel, who describes himself as a libertarian, is very tense and doesn’t smile once. .

The two of them debate the following three questions:

  1. What’s the matter with America?
  2. What does technology have to do with it? and
  3. What happened to the future?

Graeber starts, giving many examples of technological innovation (eg aeronautics, medicine, renewable energy) which entered slow stagnation after the 1970s. He blames this decline in innovation on the “financialization” of the global economy (ie corporations becoming more interested in selling financial products than manufactured goods).

In his view, the total domination of the global economy by mega monopolies obsessed with “rent extraction”** has left the world’s creative thinkers “out in the cold.”

Both men agree that the US political system can’t be reformed. However Thiel maintains that billionaire-financed start-ups are a better approach to reform than grassroots movements. He opposes direct democracy because systems that allow too many people input means you spend all your time talking and nothing happens.

He also disagrees with Graeber’s assertion that changing the way money is created (ie ending the creation of 98% of our money by private banks) could unleash creativity, by providing a means (eg Unconditional Basic Income) for artists, musicians and inventors to be paid for their work.

The best part of the debate is when the moderator asks Thiel about the role his company Pallantir plays in assisting the CIA, the military and JP Morgan in spying on Americans. Thiel maintains he’s facilitating in important work, namely because US intelligence failed to predict and prevent the 9-11 attacks.

Graeber blames the failure on the CIA and FBI becoming too preoccupied with spying on people like him.

*Peter Thiel, cofounder of PayPal and surveillance software giant Palantir (which helps the NSA and CIA spy on us), was secretly granted New Zealand citizenship, despite failing to meet the 5-year residency requirement in 2011: Revealed How Peter Thiel Got New Zealand Citizenship

**Rent seeking and rent extraction describe a process that occurs when wealthy members of society seek to gain added wealth without any reciprocal contribution of productivity






On Roosting Chickens: A History of US Empire

On the Justice of Roosting Chickens: Reflections on the Consequences of U.S. Imperial Arrogance and Criminality

by Ward Churchill

AK Press (2003)

Book Review

With the massive evidence compiled by the 9-11 Truth movement over the last two decades,* the book’s original premise has ceased to be relevant in 2020. Long time American Indian activist Ward Churchill took the title of this book from his infamous 2001 essay “On the Justice of Roosting Chickens.”  In the latter (and in Chapter 1), Churchill argues that the 9-11 attacks were a natural and unavoidable consequence of unlawful US foreign policy. The essay would lead to his dismissal from the University of Colorado-Boulder in 2017.

By the time this book was published in 2003, both Thierry Meyssan (The Big Lie) and Nafeez Ahmed (The War on Truth) had published books questioning the official version of 9-11. As of February 2002, there was also a thriving 9-11 Unanswered Questions movement, which would be the precursor to 9-11. I’m a little surprised Churchill would have no knowledge of activists who were already challenging the official story in 2003.

That being said, the book’s second and third chapters are invaluable. Chapter 2 compiles all US military actions from 1776 on. Chapter three documents all known US violations of international law dating from the 1945 founding of the United Nations.

After 1947, this list includes the use of CIA interventions to overthrow lawful governments:

  • US invasion and occupation of sovereign Native American territories – 46
  • US military actions against US civilians during protests, rebellions, riots, and strikes (including WACO, Ruby Ridge, and the 1999 anti-WTO protests in Seattle) – 23
  • US troop deployment to put down slave revolts: 5
  • US military actions against
    • North Africa – 15
    • Mexico (excluding the US-Mexican War, which forced Mexico to give up have its territory) – 29
    • France (including 1961 attempted assassination of DeGaulle) – 4
    • Spain (excluding Spanish American War) – 6
    • Cuba (following Spanish American War) – 5
    • Canada – 1 (1837 border clash)
    • Pacific Island (excluding Hawai’i and Philippines) – 5
    • Greece – 3
    • South America – 19
    • China (excluding participating in civil war against Mao) – 15
    • Sub-Saharan Africa – 8
    • Turkey – 2
    • Central America – 19
    • Japan (prior to World War II) -3
    • Korea (prior to World War II) – 33
    • Hawai’i – 3
    • Haiti (prior to deposing Prime Minister Aristide in 1991) – 4
    • Philippines – 4
    • Dominican Republic -5
    • Cuba (prior to Cuban revolution – incursions following the Bay of Pigs are too numerous to count) – 2
    • USSR – 2
    • Greenland/Iceland – 1 each
    • Italy – 1
    • Iran (prior to 1953 CIA coup) – 1
    • Albania – 1
    • Syria – 1 (failed CIA coup in 1956)
    • Indonesia – 2
    • Cyprus – 1
    • Lebanon – 2
    • Grenada – 1
    • Australia – 1

Chapter 3 is a chronological history of UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions condemning the US. It includes censures  for using napalm and Agent Orange in Vietnam, for using torture and the death penalty in US prisons, for their refusal to support the UN declaration for the elimination of racism, for their illegal blockade against Cuba, and for their illegal invasions of Angola, Panama and Nicaragua.

The chapter also includes countless Security Council and General Assembly resolutions condemning South Africa (not only for Apartheid but for the illegal invasion and occupation of Namibia and Angola) and Israel (for their illegal occupation of Palestine and the Golan Heights, their illegal invasion and 20+ year occupation of Lebanon, and their illegal deployment of nuclear weapons).

Here Churchill also covers Clinton’s illegal war against Yugoslavia, debunking most of the pro-war propaganda about alleged Serbian genocides. And finally the illegal 1972 CIA coup against democratically elected Australian prime minister Gough Whitlam (after he withdrew Australian troops from Vietnam). I was unaware prior to reading this book that John Kerr,** the Australian governor general responsible for removing Whitlam from office was a long time CIA asset.

*See https://stuartbramhall.wordpress.com/2020/02/13/making-sense-of-9-11/

**In Australia and New Zealand, the Governor General is appointed by the British monarch and technically has the authority to overrule Parliament. See https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/oct/23/gough-whitlam-1975-coup-ended-australian-independence



The 9/11 Omission Report

The 9/11 Omission Report – What the Commission Didn’t Report

John Judge (2005)

Film Review

This 2005 presentation by late assassination John Judge focuses on numerous deliberate errors and omissions in the 2004 9/11 Commission Report.

Judge is best known for his investigation into the Jonestown massacre – see Jonestown: The Strange Connection to the Murder of Martin Luther King. He was also a protege of late assassination researcher Mae Brussell (see Mae Brussell: Forgotten Superhero).

As a grassroots organizer, he co-founded The Coalition on Political Assassinations. The latter was pivotal in forcing the Clinton administration to release classified JFK assassination documents during the 1990s. After 9/11, he helped found the 9/11 Citizens’ Commission, forced the Bush administration to remove Henry Kissinger from the 9/11 Commission and helped bring its blatant cover-up role to public attention.

In 2005, he had particular concerns about the failure of the Air Force to scramble fighter jets to intercept the hijacked planes (ie follow standard protocol), as well as the absence of any Arab names on any of the flight manifests. It also bothered him that 7 of the 19 alleged suicide hijackers were still alive.

As with most of Judge’s presentations, his experience growing up with a mother who worked in the Pentagon, amidst CIA families in Washington DC, adds significant depth to his perspective. Like his mentor, Mae Brussell, he likes to point out the involvement of presumed 9-11 co-conspirators in prior covert operations, such as Watergate and Irangate.

I found the last segment of this presentation, in which Judge discusses the racist and genocidal nature of the War on Terror, the most interesting. Already in 2005, Judge was talking about fascism and genocide being an inevitable result of post-industrial capitalism. He ends his talk by predicting that genocide will be inevitable as automation reduces the capitalists’ need for workers. He also predicts the global elite will employ racial identification to determine which populations to eliminate first.




9-11: Anatomy of a Great Deception

9-11: Anatomy of a Great Deception

RT (2017)

Film Review

The first 9-11 Truth documentary I’ve seen on RT, this film takes a unique approach to explaining why 9-11 was an inside job. It’s based on independent filmmaker Dennis Hooper’s 2014 documentary 9/11: Anatomy of a Great Deception.

Hooper was always troubled by the Secret Service failure to evacuate President Bush from the school he was visiting in Florida – despite the knowledge that the US was under attack by foreign terrorists with hijacked airplanes.

Like many of us, he was also troubled by the collapse of Building 7. Located more than a football field away from the Twin Towers, its collapse couldn’t be explained by structural damage or fires fueled by jet fuel. Adding to Hooper’s concerns was the failure of the official 9/11 Commission Report  to make any mention of Building 7 – despite persistent demands by 9/11 Families for a “scientific” investigation into its collapse.

The film proceeds to lay out an extremely lucid explanation, based mainly on the detailed work of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, why structural damage (from planes) and jet-fueled fires couldn’t possibly cause the collapse of three buildings at the World Trade Center.

For Hooper, the most significant evidence is the pools of molten steel first responders discovered in the building rubble. Steel melts at 3,000 degrees F, while kerosene (ie jet fuel) fires produce a maximum temperature of 1,800 degrees F.

Making use of extensive footage produced by the 9-11 Truth movement, Hooper walks viewers through extensive evidence documented that all three World Trade Center buildings could only have been brought down by controlled demolition.*

Moreover the discovery of military grade nanothermite (which is only produced at the Los Alamos National Laboratory) leaves absolutely no doubt that people at the highest levels of government were complicit in bringing down the WTC.

Clearly a postscript to the original film, the last 29 minutes consists of a a strange interview in which Hooper blames the 9-11 attacks on a 2,000-year-old conspiracy orchestrated by Satan and the Forces of Evil.

*Controlled demolition is the tearing down or razing of man made structures via the detonation of carefully timed explosive charges.

False Flag Terrorism 101

The following presentation was part of Left Out forum, which 9-11 Truth organized to coincide with the Left Forum held in June 2017 in New York. It featured Dr Kevin Barret (the speaker) and other activists who were denied permission to speak at the Left Forum.*

In his talk, Barrett traces false flag terrorism back to Operation Gladio. The latter was a US military operation in Europe involving bombings and other terrorist attacks targeting civilians that were falsely blamed on left wing groups (eg the Red Brigades, the Baadar Meinhoff Gang and the KGB).

The overall purpose of Operation Gladio terrorism was to influence European elections at a time when Communist politicians enjoyed large majorities in the polls.

The Purpose of Trauma-Based Mind Control

According to Barrett, this strategy represents a form of trauma based mind control or  psyops (psychological operation). As with Gladio, the cumulative effect of such attacks is to swing the vote for right wing authoritarian leaders who promise people protection and security.

Barrett has collaborated with ex-CIA undercover officer Robert David Steele to conduct extensive research into the false flag attacks in London in 2005 and 2017; in Manchester in 2017; in Paris in 2015, in Nice in 2016; in Munich in 2016, in San Bernadino in 2015 and in Orlando in 2016.

In this presentation, he briefly summarizes the pattern of anomalies suggesting each of these events was staged by individuals with links to the US military and/or US intelligence.

He has written about them in a series of books – Another French Flag: Bloody Tracks from Paris to San Bernadino, Orlando False Flag: the Clash of History, and We Are Not Charlie Hebdo: Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11.

It’s Barrett’s view that both the British and French false flags resulted in the defeat of left leaning candidates (Corbyn in Britain and Melenchon in France) who were riding high in the polls – just like the Operation Gladio false flags of the 50s, 60s and 70s.

9/11: Mother of All False Flag Events

Barrett maintains 9/11 was the mother of all false flag events, in addition to decapitating the burgeoning antiglobalization move (sending 75,000 into the streets of Seattle in 1999), 9/11 and its aftermath transferred immense power to Bush’s neocon supporters (Cheney, Rumsfeld  et all), enabling them to suspend civil liberties, increase surveillance and police state powers and carry out massive US military expansion in the Middle East.

*Barrett also mentions the “gatekeeping” function played by the “official” US Left as regards 9-11 and CIA and US military involvement in assassinations, false flag events and the funding of ISIS. I have always attributed this phenomenon to the infiltration of the US left by the CIA and CIA-funded gatekeeping foundations. See The History of CIA-funded Foundations and  Does the CIA Fund Both the Right and the Left


Meet Noam Chomsky: Academic Gatekeeper

Meet Noam Chomsky: Academic Gatekeeper

James Corbett (2012)

Film Review

This documentary explores prominent dissident Noam Chomsky’s peculiarly pro-corporate neoliberal positions on the Federal Reserve, the JFK assassination and 9-11.

Using archival footage of Chomsky presentations, Corbett begins by outlining issues in which he (and most of the activist community) share Chomsky’s political views.

  • Obama was for worse (ie anti-democratic) than Bush.
  • Drone strikes are terror weapons.
  • Bush merely tortured people, Obama assassinated them without trial.
  • The military Industrial Complex only survives thanks to corporate welfare.
  • The ruling elite exerts control over the US population mainly via propaganda and indoctrination.

Corbett continues by examining other areas of activist concern that Chomsky totally refuses to address – specifically the Federal Reserve and the role of private banks in money creation, the JFK assassination and government insider involvement in 9-11.

Corbett, like many of us, finds the arguments Chomsky advances on these issues totally irrational and contradictory.

For example, it’s totally mystifying to hear an “anarcho-syndicalist” like Chomsky sing the praises of private central banks and their control of money creation.

In contrast, his dismissal of any “conspiracy” in the JFK assassination seems to be based on a deliberate lie. He claims to have never “looked at” any of the evidence. A prominent JFK researcher disputes, based on a four-hour face-to-face meeting during which he shared a selection of assassination research with Chomsky.

Chomsky’s dismissal of insider involvement in 9-11 is just plain bizarre. His disingenuous claim that the 9-11 Trust movement is made up of non-activists who have spent an hour studying physics, architecture and engineering on the Internet is a slap in the face to the over 2,500 professional architects and engineers who make up Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth. As his claim that the 9-11 Truth movement diverts attention from “more serious activism.”

In 2018, Chomsky further solidified is neoliberal credentials with his call for US military involvement in Syria: Chomsky Among Progressives Calling for US Intervention in Syria

Caveat: Several readers have cautioned me that Corbett himself (a prominent climate denier) may also be controlled opposition. In this case, I think his analysis of Chomsky’s neoliberal contradictions are spot on.


The Men Behind 9-11

Solving 9-11

Christopher Bollyn (2017)

In my view, investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn has done the most comprehensive investigation into the identity of the scumbags responsible for the 9-11 false flag atrocity and cover-up. He has published the results of his 16-year investigation in two books (Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World and Solving 9-11: The Original Articles) and at his website (http://www.bollyn.com/).

Bollyn is unique among 9-11 researchers in that he is a Hebrew scholar, has a degree in Israeli political science and lived in Israel during the 1970s when the Likud government first took power.

He concludes that the 9-11 plot was mainly conceived and orchestrated by Israel’s Likud government and Israeli intelligence. The goal was to establish a US military presence in the Middle East to quell Arab resistance to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine.

While I find Bollyn’s factual evidence for his basic premise compelling, I disagree with two of his conclusions. First I believe Dick Cheney and various members of the Bush family, FBI and US intelligence played a far bigger role in 9-11 than he gives them credit for. Second I disagree with his assertion that the US occupation of the Middle East only benefits Israel – the continuing US occupation clearly benefits Wall Street elites competing with Russia and China for control of Middle East oil and gas.

Architects and Engineers for 9-11

Bollyn spends the first 40 minutes of his video presentation reviewing the evidence compiled by the Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth. The latter have concluded that strategically placed nanothermite charges caused most of the damage (and the eventual collapse) of the Twin Towers. The video evidence of the initial collisions is the most interesting because the color of the smoke is wrong. There is too much white smoke (indicative of the aluminum oxide produced by nano-thermite explosions) and hardly any of the black smoke jet fuel produces when it burns.

The Art of False Flag Terrorism

At 40 minutes, Bollyn discusses the Likud Party and the involvement of their founders in the Irgun, Stern Gang, Hagana, Lehi and other violent paramilitary groups who orchestrated acts of terrorism to drive the British out of Palestine in 1948. Menachim Begin (Irgun), Itzhak Shamir (Lehi) and Ariel Sharon (Hagana) were the primary leaders of the Likud government when it first took power in 1976. Begin, especially, took great pride in being the world’s foremost terrorist. Along with their followers, they refined the art of false flag terrorism (framing Palestinians and other Israeli enemies for terrorist acts they themselves committed), which they viewed as a form of “theater” that advanced a strategic agenda. John LeCarre (thanks to inside information from Israeli intelligence) describes some of this history in detail in his 1983 novel The Little Drummer Girl, which he based on inside information from Israeli intelligence. Bollyn elaborates on this history in the Guns and Butter radio interview below.

The Role of Mossad Front Companies

In the course of his 16-year investigation, Bollyn has uncovered active involvement of Israeli intelligence (mainly via Mossad front companies created by “retired” intelligence officers) or pro-Zionist American Jews who actively collaborated with them at all the major control points of the 9-11 conspiracy and cover-up. He identifies these individuals and the names of their front companies in a slide he shows at 113.50 minutes.

The part of the presentation I found most intriguing was the involvement of “former” Mossad agents and their front companies in lobbying, beginning in the late 1980s, both to privatize the World Trade Center and to grant award its security contract to Kroll Associates, run by staunch Zionist Jules Kroll.

In July 2001, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey sold the World Trade Center to Larry Silverstein, a strong Zionist and close confident of Likud prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The two had weekly for calls for many years.





Was Senator Paul Wellstone Assassinated?


Snowshoe Films (2009)

Film Review


This documentary assesses the physical evidence suggesting the plane crash that killed Senator Paul Wellstone in October 2002 was actually an assassination. Wellstone, elected by Minnesota’s Democratic Farm Labor Party, was a true populist like Bernie Sanders. In addition to being the only candidate running for re-election who opposed the US invasion of Iraq, he was also raising questions about the official version of 9-11.

With his death – only 10 days before election day – his seat passed to his Republican opponent – granting Republicans regained control of both houses of Congress.

Among the anomalies explored in this film are

  • the strange electrical fire (which the National Air Safety Board neglects to mention in their report) that melted copper components in the instrument panel.
  • the loss of strobe and other warning lights (which the NASB report also neglects to mention), pointing to electrical failure preceding the crash.
  • the mysterious disappearance of the cockpit voice recorder (black box)
  • the discrepancy between witness statements and the NASB report about the altitude of the plane when it stalled out (according to eyewitnesses it was 75-90 feet, while the report indicates 1,000 feet).
  • the failure of the pilots to call in a warning of the crash to air traffic controllers.
  • the failure of the NASB (or FBI investigators) to mention links between one of the pilots, Michael Grass, and the “20th 9-11 hijacker” Zacarias Moussaoui. Moussaoui’s computer, the one FBI investigator Colleen Rawley failed to get a warrant for, had Michael Guess’s aviation instruction software on it.
  • the failure of the NASB to hold a public hearing on the crash, which is routine in high profile cases.
  • the conclusion reached by the NASB that Wellstone’s plane crashed due to “pilot error” without presenting a shred of evidence to support this conclusion.

Independent forensic experts who reviewed both the evidence and the NASB report concluded that Wellstone’s plane crashed because the pilots were incapacitated in some way. There were a number of odd electronic anomalies reported in the vicinity of the crash that Minnesota assassination researcher Jim Fetzer believes are compatible with a directed electromagnetic pulse (EMP) or microwave weapon similar to those the Pentagon was experimenting with in Iraq.

At exactly 10.18 (two seconds before the aircraft stalled) a Duluth lobbyist traveling to the same funeral as Wellstone and his family heard a loud wailing/humming sound on his cellphone. At the exact same time a number of residents south of the airport reported garage doors mysteriously opening. In addition, a local meterologist reported a large hole in the ice clouds immediately above the crash area. This, too, would have been consistent with a directed EMP weapon.

Hidden History: The War on Terror

Crossing the Rubicon: the Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil

by Michael Ruppert

New Society Publishers (2004)

Book Review

I recently picked up Michael Ruppert’s Crossing the Rubicon for the first time in nearly 13 years. I’ve always admired Ruppert, who killed himself in April 2014. It was after hearing him present early evidence (in May 2002) about the role of Bush insiders in 9-11 that I made a decision to close my psychiatric practice and move to New Zealand.

In re-reading Rupert’s 617-page encyclopedia of Peak Oil, CIA narcotics trafficking and the foreign policy/intelligence background to the mother of all false flag operations, I’m totally amazed about the amount of evidence he had already collected in 2004. Nearly all his conclusions have been corroborated by other investigators. At the same time many of his findings, particularly regarding Clinton’s role in supporting the Taliban’s rise to power, don’t receive nearly enough attention in the 9-11 Truth community.

Ruppert links Clinton’s decision to put the Taliban in power in Afghanistan to the oil exploration he facilitated in the Caspian Sea basin by declaring war on Yugoslavia. Both Enron (see The Greedy Bastards who Gave us Enron and Bankrupted California) and Halliburton (Dick Cheney’s oil company) had deep commitments in Caspian Sea and Central Asian oil and gas companies. Both companies needed pipelines across Afghanistan to transport oil and gas to energy-hungry Pakistan, India and China. Building and maintaining said pipelines was totally impossible in a country that, following Soviet withdrawal, had become a failed state of feuding warlords.

According to Ruppert, in was Clinton’s intent to “pacify” Afghanistan by putting the totalitarian Taliban regime in power. Ruppert’s evidence for these assertions comes mainly from Congressional hearings called by Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacker to challenge Clinton’s support for the Taliban. Ruppert also describes the two years (1999-2000) of 6+2 meetings (to plan the pipelines) between Taliban representatives, and the US, Russia, Pakistan, China, Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

The Clinton administration suddenly reversed their position on the Taliban in 1999, after the results of exploratory Caspian Sea oil drilling revealed the limited deposits were too small to be commercially viable.

Ruppert goes on to present substantial evidence that the decision to go to war against the Taliban was made during the Clinton presidency – he first imposed economic sanctions against them in July 1999. Ruppert maintains this related less to the oil and gas lobby than to the banking/finance lobby, which had become addicted to drug profits from Afghan opium production. Following Soviet withdrawal, the CIA had worked with opium warlords to concentrate world opium production in Afghanistan. The loss of billions dollars of money laundering profits threatened to wreak major havoc with Wall Street and the US economy.

Ruppert, a five year veteran of the LAPD narcotics squad, devotes several chapters of Crossing the Rubicon to the CIA’s historic role in narcotics trafficking and the role of all major US banks and brokerage hoses in money laundering.

Ruppert also makes a strong case that planning for 9-11 began during the Clinton administration and that National Security Adviser Sandy Berger, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Energy Secretary Bill Richardson and NATO commander Wesley Clarke were party to the planning.

Introducing 9-11 Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds

Kill the Messenger (Sibel Edmonds)

Directed by Jean Robert Viallet, Mathieu Verboud (2006)

Film Review

Kill the Messenger is a French documentary about FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds and the organized criminal behavior she discovered inside the Bush State Department and Pentagon.

Edmonds, the daughter of a Turkish family, was raised in Iran and recruited by the FBI four days after 9-11 to translate telephone conversations they had intercepted from suspected terrorists. In addition to English, Edmonds speaks Turkish, Farsi and Azairi.

Several months after she began her job, a fellow translator named Melek Dickerson and her husband, an Air Force major named Douglas Dickerson, tried to recruit her to a Turkish interest group whose intercepts she was translating. Believing they were spies, she reported the incident to her superiors, as well as FBI director Frank Mellor. The FBI responded by firing her and threatening to charge her under the State Secrets Privilege Act if she spoke to anyone else (including a lawyer) about the incident.

Other than filing suit for unlawful dismissal and breech of freedom of speech (which went all the way to the Supreme Court, who refused to review it), Edmonds spoke to no one about it until a 9-11 families group encouraged her to reveal what she knew about the Dickersons to the 9-11 Commission Bush appointed in 2003. This would lead Major Dickerson and his wife to be transferred out of the country.

When the 9-11 Commission Report failed to address Edmond’s evidence, she collaborated with Vietnam whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg to found the National Security Whistleblowers Network. Approximately 100 whistleblowers joined who had been tracking Middle East jihadists for years and whose warnings about 9-11 were ignored by the Bush administration.

Although Edmonds herself never disclosed the name of the group that attempted to recruit her, several journalists have identified it as the American Turkish Council. As they all report, the ATC, which has all the main US arms manufacturers on its board, first started to be wiretapped by the FBI in 1997 because they were illegally smuggling embargoed US weapons systems to Turkey.

As Giraldi writes inThe American Conservative, the ATC worked closely with pro-Israel White House insiders Douglas Feith and Richard Perle to illegally smuggle nuclear triggers to Pakistan via South Africa.

As the filmmakers point out the same pro-Israel Bush advisors blew CIA agent Valerie Plame’s cover in 2003. Plame’s main assignment was investigating ATC involvement in illegal nuclear proliferation.

*Farsi is widely spoken in Iran and Afghanistan.
**Azeri is the official language of the former Soviet republic of Azerbaijan.