Dr Peter McCullough and the Suppression of Early Covid Outpatient Treatment

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Dr Peter McCullough: Courageous Doctors Could Have Saved Millions


CENSORED: Dr. Peter McCullough, MD testifies How ...

In this remarkable interview, world renowned cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough describes by himself and a network of hundred doctors in the US and overseas to use early treatment to prevent hospitalization and death. According to McCullough, a US network of 250 doctors along with a dozen telemedicine services provide early outpatient treatment to 10,000 to 15,000 Covid patients daily. Although it receives virtually no mainstream media attention, doctors in Greece, Italy, southern France, Central America, South America, India, and East Asia are reducing Covid death rates by approximately 85% by offering similar similar treatments.

McCullough worked closely with doctors in Italy (which experienced one the earliest Covid outbreaks) to develop the treatment protocols he uses. They usually combine what he refers to as “sequenced multidrug therapy.” Treatment regimens consist of a “neutriceutical bundle (Vitamins D and C, plus zinc and quercetin), either hydochloroquine (used extensively to treat SARS-CoV-1 in 2002-2004) or ivermectin, azithromyocin (to treat secondary bacterial infections), steroids, anticoagulants (to prevent blood clots) and in some cases, monoclonal antibodies (from recovered Covid patients) and colchicine (a drug used in gout).

McCullough decries the official “Do Not Treat” (aka “Let Them Die”) position of official government bodies, such as the FDA, the NIH and the CDC, as inhumane. Based on current data, McCullough estimates we could have saved 85% of the 600,000 Americans who died of Covid19 with early outpatient treatment.

Although the government and AMA have essentially ordered doctors not to prescribe ivermectin and hydrochloroquine (based on one flawed and one faked study)*, the FDA has given Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to monoclonal antibodies and two new antivirals. However these ambulatory treatments are also being suppressed.

When asked about the vaccine, he expresses puzzlement the FDA has allowed the experimental Covid vaccination scheme to continue in the face of thousands of deaths. Most clinical trials of any new treatment are stopped after 25 deaths. Although 70% of his practice have received Covid vaccine, he no longer advises his patients to take it owing to the high incidence of severe side effects.

*At this point, there are 100s of peer reviewed studies supporting the safety and efficacy of hydroxychloroquine and ivermecin in Covid19 and a dozen each supporting treatment with steroids and anticoagulants.

The interview can be viewed free at https://grandmageri422.me/2021/05/31/full-interview-world-renowned-doctor-blows-lid-off-of-covid-video/

China Under Covid Documentary


Directed by Ai WeiWei

Film Review

This documentary was secretly filmed in Wuhan province during the world’s first Covid lockdown between January 23 and April 8 2020. Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei, who directed the film from Cambridge (UK), relied on amateur filmmakers who clandestinely forwarded their footage to Weiwei via the Internet. The scarcity of Western footage of the ICU treatment makes the film all the more remarkable.

Owing to the absence of narration, the film is sometimes a little hard to follow. Nevertheless viewers get a good picture of the heavy police presence on the streets, the construction of emergency hospitals to increase treatment capacity, the busloads of doctors sent to Wuhan to staff ICUs and isolation wards and elaborate (sometimes comical) personal protective gear procedures.

Unlike the PPE I’ve seen in New Zealand (limited to full length gowns), Chinese doctors wear two full body coveralls.* Although the inside coverall excludes the feet and head, the outer garment covers their shoes, hair, forehead and cheeks to overlap their mask. They then cover their mask with a plastic face shield. Doctors are video monitored to ensure they wash their hands and don and remove their coveralls and gloves in the correct order.

The film follows a construction worker who tries to return to his home province once the emergency hospital is completed. Unsuccessful in obtaining a travel pass, he’s forced to stay in an emergency shelter.

Below is a link to a DW interview with Ai Weiwei describing the filming process:


*It’s my understanding that when the Sars-CoV-2 virus first appeared in December 2019, both Chinese and western scientists greatly overestimated its lethality. It was only in August-September 2020 epidemiologists studying the mortality data a realized the death rate was only 0.1% in people under 70 (comparable to influenza mortality).

The film can be viewed free on Kanopy.

Prescription psychodelics: A Solution to the Opiate Epidemic?


Directed by Jason Wade Hammonds (2019)

Film Review

This is a fascinating film about a Canadian heroin addict who faces the bleak choice between killing herself and seeking treatment with illegal psychodelic drugs. She has already tried several rounds of residential drug treatment and every psychotropic drug available. At the start of the documentary, she is relapsing several times a month despite being on Methadone maintenance, which makes her tired and depressed.

She initially starts with increasing doses of psilocybin (magic mushrooms), both in informal settings and under the supervision of counselors in specialized clinics.  Although the drug temporarily alleviates her anxiety and panic attacks (her main complaints), the effect dissipates after a few days and she relapses.

She eventually gains admittance to a Ibogaine* treatment center, where she attempts to detox off Methadone and heroin over a period of two weeks. The Ibogaine is believed to work in two ways: 1) by reactivating endogenous brain opiate receptors that have been shut down by the heroin and Methadone and 2) by helping patients connect (in a supportive environment) with original traumatic events that triggered the addition.

She takes two doses of Ibogaine five days apart. On day nine she has a massive panic attack, relapses and is started back on 80 mg long acting morphine (easier to detox from than Methadone) a day. She is then admitted her for a third Ibogaine dose to help her detox off the morphine.

Four months later she is totally off all all opiates and receiving monthly mega dose psilocybin or Ibogaine (in a therapeutic setting) to control the panic attacks. After seven months, the panic attacks are under control with monthly microdosing with Ibogaine and/or psilocybin

After 12 months she is totally of opiates and volunteering full time working with patients with mental health and addiction problems.

The film features many prominent psychodelics researchers and practitioners, including Dr Gabor Mate, who interviews her to assess her suitability for psychodelic treatment. There seems to be consensus among researchers that psilocybin, MDMA (ecstasy) and Ibogaine will be the first psychodelics the US government licenses for prescription.

*Ibogaine is currently licensed for prescription in Canada for heroin withdrawal.

The full film can be viewed free on Kanopy.




Mixed Match

Mixed Match: When Ancestry is to Care

Directed by Jeff Chiba Stearns (2016)

Film Review

This documentary explores the little known crisis around mixed race patients with aplastic anemia, leukemia and other blood diseases that require a donor match for a bone marrow transplant.*

To prevent host rejection of a bone marrow transplant, six Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLAs) must match. Siblings have only a one in four chance of having six matching HLA markers.

Mixed race individuals are the fastest growing demographic in the US and Canada, and HLA markers vary greatly between ethnic groups. Owing to slave rape, most African Americans have some European ancestry.

Caucasian ethnic groups are broadly divided into North, South, East, and West European subgroups, though exact HLA matches are more likely where the donor and recipient share ancestors of the same nationality (eg Italian, French, English, Scottish, etc). Likewise mixed race Asians are more likely to find matching donors where they have ancestors with the same nationality (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc).

The film mainly profiles the work of The Mixed Match Project, a Los Angeles-based charitable group that does outreach to mixed race Americans and Canadians to register their DNA with the Canadian Blood Services Stem Cell Registry or the US Match Registry. The filmmakers follow one donor and two recipient patients through the surgical procedures required for bone marrow donation. In one case, a  leukeumia patient receives matching umbilical cord blood. This is a better source of stem cells as only four out of six matching HLA markers are required.

The film’s only serious omission is its failure to examine the major barrier cost (bone marrow transplantation is an extremely expensive procedure) poses for low income mixed race patients.

The website for the Mixed Match Project is www.mixedmatchproject.com

The film can be viewed free on Kanopy.

*As the bone marrow is the site where stem cells develop into new blood cells, replacing it can bring about full remission of many blood cancers.

About the Film

The Evidence: Vitamin D for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19

Vitamin D and COVID 19: The Evidence for Prevention and Treatment of Coronavirus (SARS CoV 2)

Medcram – Medical Lectures Explained Clearly (2020)

Film Review

In this interview, board certified internist Professor Roger Seheult MD explains growing research evidence that Vitamin D is effective in both prevention and treatment of Covid19.

He begins by explaining that Vitamin D, which is really a hormone rather than a vitamin, has a direct effect on mRNA transcription in many cells. This effect on white blood cells confers a major effect on immune function.

Seheult goes on to explain the role of sunlight in the skin’s production of Vtamin D and the high prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency in regions with less exposure to the sun (above 35 degrees latitude in the northern hemisphere and below 35 degrees in the southern hemisphere). Dark skinned and elderly people, who produce Vitamin D less efficiently, are more prone to Vitamin D deficiency no matter where they live. Likewise people who are overweight or obese have lower Vitamin D blood levels because they tend to store the hormone in their fat cells.

People who don’t produce enough endogenous Vitamin D can also get it from specific foods (fish, egg yolks, meat) or supplements.

Seheult goes on to examine the multitude of studies related to Vitamin D’s role in protecting people against viral infections and COVID 19 specifically.

The most impressive study followed Vitamin D levels of 10,000 patients age 50-70. Subjects who were Vitamin D deficient experiencied significantly higher mortality from respiratory infections.

Seheult also cites

  • A randomized controlled Japanese study showing school children taking Vitamin D were less likely to contract influenza A.
  • A British Medical Journal meta analysis of 25 randomized control trials showing Vitamin D reduced the risk of respiratory illness.
  • Several randomized controlled studies showing that Vitamin D supplementation reduced inflammatory biochemical markers.*
  • Three early randomized Covid studies showing ICU admissions were reduced in patients who started Vitamin D on admission to hospital.

Seheult indicates that Vitamin D toxicity (manifested by hypercalcemia) is extremely rare except in patients with sarcoid and other granulomatous conditions or kidney failure.

People who don’t get enough Vitamin D from the sun (ie who are over 70, have dark skin or live too far from the equator) need a daily Vitamin D dose of 2,000-5,000 to avoid because deficient. People who are overweight need 1 1/2 times as much, while those who are obese should triple the dose.

Dr Fauci takes Vitamin D supplements.

*Another finding of these studies is the remarkable similarity between biochemical inflammatory markers found in Vitamin D deficiency and those found in Covid 19. Seheult also finds it significant that patient populations prone to high Covid mortality (dark skinned people, the obese and the elderly) are the same as those prone to Vitamin D deficiency.

The Shikimate Pathway: How Vaccines, Environmental Toxins and 5G Damage Immunity

Truth: Interview with RFJ Jr and Dr Zach Bush

December 2020

Film Review

This recent interview between Robert F Kennedy Jr and Dr Zach Bush concerns the essential role of the shikimate pathway in immunity. Found only in bacteria and other single cell organisms, the link between shikimate pathway and the immune system is the focus of two decades of intensive research. Scientists (and a growing number of doctors) worry a variety of toxic environmental pollutants are causing chronic illnesses to skyrocket by poisoning the gut bacteria responsible for our immunity.

Glyphosate (Roundup) is the most common and best studied of these environmental toxins, but PFAS (flame retardant chemicals), the mercury and aluminum found in vaccines, ultrasound and EMF radiation (associated with cellphones, WiFi and 5G) are also likely culprits.

Both Kennedy and Bush believe the poisoning of essential gut bacteria is largely responsible for a five-fold increase in chronic illnesses (eg autism, autoimmune disease and diabetes) since the 1940s.
According to Bush, these toxic exposures are rapidly increasing male infertility. At present, over 1/3 of Western men are infertile.
For me, the most interesting part of the interview concerns new evidence that neither our blood nor brain are sterile, as I was taught in medical school. Bush asserts there are thousands of viral and bacterial species present in both. In fact, specific brain microbes play an important role in safeguarding brain activity.
I was also intrigued to learn about the link between the introduction of arsenic and mercury pesticides in the late 19th century the appearance of a paralytic form of polio in the 1890s.* So-called “infantile paralysis” would reach epidemic proportions with the introduction of DDT following World War II. Likewise polio vaccine was relatively ineffective in eradicating polio prior to the banning of DDT in Western countries in 1972.

Bush, a physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care, has started a biotech company studying soil microorganisms (the original source of most of our antibiotics) and harvesting the therapeutic chemicals they produce for use in nutritional supplements. He’s also heavily involved in regenerative farming projects in schools and prisons. His website is https://zachbushmd.com/

*According to Bush, human beings have lived in harmony with polio virus for thousands of years. It only began causing paralysis after environmental poisons killed the friendly bacteria that normal prevent it from invading the human nervous system.



Beyond Food: Exploring Alternatives to Western Medicine

Beyond Food the Movie

Directed by Thomas Reyes (2017)

Film Review

I found it somewhat difficult to pinpoint the theme of the wide ranging, somewhat rambling documentary. It seems to be an account of a road trip the filmmakers took across America seeking out individuals who despaired of Western medicine curing their chronic illnesses and sought out other alternatives.

Most of the solutions they found fall roughly under the rubric of “biohacking,” ie small incremental changes in diet and/or lifestyle to improve general health and well-being.

The film outlines a wide variety of “biohacks”:

  • biofeedback aka neural feedback, aka alpha feedback – a process in which subjects (under continuous EEG monitoring) are rewarded with pleasant tones for producing brainwaves associated with meditative states.
  • gradual dietary changes – examples included high fat paleo diets, raw food diets, calorie restriction (which increases longevity 20-50% in animals), gluten and/or dairy free diets, “wild food” or processed food and GMO-free diets or a combination of the six.
  • people growing their own food with bioydynamic techniques that increase soil (and food) nutrients.
  • CrossFit*
  • Parkour**

*CrossFit is a strength, conditioning, and overall fitness program consisting of a mix of aerobic exercise, calisthenics (body weight exercises) and Olympic weightlifting.

**Parkour, aka free running, is a discipline in which practitioners aim to traverse an urban environment independently of streets and sidewalks. Parkour moves include running, climbing, swing, vaulting, jumping, rolling and crawling.

Public library members can view the film free on Kanopy. Type Kanopy and the name of your library into your search engine.

Hidden History: Bush’s Misguided 2002 Initiative to Vaccinate All Americans Against Smallpox

Dissolving Illusions

Dr Suzanne Humphries (2017)

Film Review

In this film, Dr Suzanne Humphries discusses highlights of her 2013 book (with co-author Roman Bystrianyk) Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History. Humphries, a board certified nephrologist (kidney specialist) starts by describing her transformation from pro-vaccine advocate to vaccine skeptic. This occurred in 2009, when hospital administrators persisted in administering (despite her explicit orders) flu and pneumococcal vaccines to patients whose renal failure was worsened by the aluminum in the vaccines.

After the administrators rebuffed numerous peer reviewed studies she found validating the adverse effects of aluminum-based vaccines in renal patients, she felt she had no choice but to resign her position.

The experience led her to delve more deeply into the peer reviewed vaccine literature. What she found astounded her: According to Humphries, there is a vast medical literature documenting the adverse effects of vaccines, but doctors never read it. Instead they rely on the mainstream media and public health officials (who apparently don’t read the medical literature, either) for information about vaccines.

Mack’s testimony came during George W Bush’s initiative (which has conveniently been erased from history) to vaccinate Americans against smallpox. Although the World Health Organization declared the disease eradicated in 1980, Bush claimed Americans needed protection against a potential terrorist biological attack with smallpox virus. Mack and others warned the CDC that administering smallpox vaccine to two thirds of Americans (ie all the ones in good health) would lead to 285 deaths and 4600 serious health problems.

When plans were drawn up to start with health workers, they wisely consulted the vaccine information sheet. The latter warned of a high risk the vaccine could cause myocarditis, pericarditis, angina and heart attacks.*** Armed with this information, most health workers declined to be immunized and the Bush CDC was forced to scrap their smallpox immunization campaign.

In her talk, Humphries also traces the history of the anti-vaccination movement back to 1889 in Leicester England. The anti-vax campaign, which started in Leicester, quickly spread throughout the country, forcing the government to suspend compulsory vaccination. At the time, so many children died following vaccination that parents opted to go to jail and/or be stripped of their property rather than risk their children’s lives.

*In her book Dissolving Illusions, Humphries also traces how polio vaccination didn’t eradicate polio. See How the Polio Vaccine Didn’t Conquer Polio

**The smallpox virus, which isn’t transmissible by air, can only be transmitted by direct contact. The mode of vaccination (via direct insertion of the virus into the skin) led to frequent transmission of the illness to family members and unvaccinated children.

COVID-19: Gobbling Up Funding for Fatal Epidemics Such as Malaria, TB and AIDS

Coronavirus or Malaria, Tuberculosis and HIV?

Al Jazeera (2020)

Film Review

Why is a Low Mortality Illness Like COVID-19 Crowding out Treatment for the World’s Most Dangerous Illnesses?

This documentary reports on urgent concerns that COVID 19 “pandemic” management is crowding out prevention, diagnosis and treatment for far more serious illnesses, such as malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS.

Epidemiologists assert that low cost interventions such as bednets and “residual spraying” (presumably with insecticides?) are extremely effective in preventing malaria in African and Asian countries that experience malaria epidemics during the rainy season. Where the disease is diagnosed early, artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) has an extremely high response rate. Unfortunately due to diversion of Red Cross and other international funding to COVID management,  Africa’s anti-malaria programs have suffered significantly. India, however, is still making good progress in reducing disease prevalence.

Diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis has been similarly affected in the developing world, where, at present approximately 25% of patients diagnosed with HIV are unable to access life-saving anti-retroviral treatment.


Vaxxed 2: Parents Talk Frankly About Vaccine Injuries

Vaxxed 2: The People’s Truth

Directed by Brian Burrowes (2019)

Film Review

Vaxxed 2 concerns the Vaxxed bus that toured seven countries (US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand) after the film Vaxxed came out in 2016. The tour was prompted by the massive response filmmakers received from parents of vaccine-injured children after their first documentary was released.

Fifteen doctors and several immunologists participated in the tour, and parents’ stories were broadcast round the world via Periscope TV. The documentary features commentary by prominent vaccine researchers Dr Suzanne Humphries, Dr Andrew Wakefield and Robert F Kennedy Jr.

For me, the most alarming segment of the film consists of interviews with a dozen teenagers who became paralyzed after taking the HPV vaccine Gardasil. Kennedy provides some really interesting background on the vaccine trials that preceded its release. The randomized controlled trials were conducted without a true placebo. Instead the manufacturer (Merck) used the neurotoxin aluminum (believed to be the cause of HPV paralysis and other neurological injuries) in the control group. Death rates (in both the control and the experimental groups) were 37 times the death rate from cervical cancer (which Gardasil is meant to prevent).

Then there were the heart wrenching stories of parents whose infants died (usually of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) after receiving MMR (measles/mumps/rubella) vaccine.* In several of these cases, child protective services opened a child abuse investigation (against the parents).

In 2014, a CDC study reported that the US (which vaccinates more infants than any other country) had the highest infant mortality of 34 industrialized countries.

When I reflect on all the chronic health problems in my family (starting with my  mother’s generation) with allergies, asthma, ear infections, eczema and digestive problems, the most discouraging part of the film featured the thousands of unvaccinated children who also came to greet the bus. The chronic health conditions that plague so many US children were totally absent in the unvaccinated kids. The effect was especially striking in families in which the eldest vaccinated child suffered constant ear infections, colds and allergies, while their younger unvaccinated siblings experienced none of these conditions.**

*Where parents took these cases to the federal Vaccine Court (see https://www.thevaccinecourt.com/), they received the maximum compensation of $250,000)

**A number of controlled research trials support findings that unvaccinated children are healthier. See https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2050312120925344 and https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/research-reviews/fully-vaccinated-vs-unvaccinated-a-summary-of-the-research/ One of the pediatricians who accompanied the tour declines to vaccinate infants under three and has no history of SIDS deaths in her practice.

Vaxxed 2 can be viewed free at https://www.bitchute.com/video/vEeZ1z2qpQag/