France Preparing to Deploy 2,000 Troops to Help Fight Russia in Ukraine

By The Blogging Hounds>
French ground troops for Ukraine/

”It is our duty to prepare for every scenario. It would be a mistake not to do so. What operations can the French carry out? This is exactly what we will examine together with Colonel Arbaroutier using maps,”

French mercenaries have been spotted in Bulgaria on their way to Ukraine?

Locals claim to have seen convoys of French mercenaries and equipment near the town of Sliven, flying to Sofia and then travelling by truck to Ukraine.

The day before, the US Navy cargo ship Leroy A. Mendonica delivered to the port of Alexandroupolis in northern Greece a shipment of military equipment to be deployed in Europe as part of the “reinforcement of NATO forces on the continent”.

French ( ground forces, under General Pierre Schill, assert readiness to confront any threat, preparing for potential tough engagements, amid President Macron’s openness to deploying troops to assist Ukraine. Schill emphasizes their capacity to deter attacks on France, citing readiness to engage a division of 20,000 troops within 30 days and command an army of 60,000 alongside allies.

”However the international situation may evolve, French people can be certain that their soldiers stand ready to respond,” he said.

Schill said a display of French military capabilities would help to ”deter any attack on France “.

”To protect itself from any attack and to defend its interests, the French army is preparing for even the toughest engagements,” he said.

He quoted the Latin adage “si vis pacem, para bellum” — ”if you want peace, prepare for war”.

Schill said that France could engage a division of 20,000 troops in a coalition within 30 days and could itself command an army of around 60,000 soldiers by joining other allied nations.

The French army says it counts 121,000 soldiers and can call up 24,000 reservists.

Schill did not specifically refer to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the risk of the conflict spreading. But he said ”the sources of crisis are multiplying and carry with them risks of spiralling or extending”



8 thoughts on “France Preparing to Deploy 2,000 Troops to Help Fight Russia in Ukraine

  1. My goodness, all Russia wanted was that NATO stays away from Ukraine! Instead of staying away they infiltrate it more and more to ‘help’ the Ukraine. How streatening is this for Russia? Why does NATO have to go to the borders of Russia? Do you call this a peaceful action? What if Russia would do the same with the borders around America? Would America think this to be good and fair?
    So, why prepare for war? Why not prepare for peace? Who is going to win in a war with nuclear weapons? No one. We all are going to loose. How is it that ‘intelligent’ people cannot see this. The propaganda we are being dished out is absolute bullshit.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes. NATO seems to be provoking Russia intentionally. I am Over Here, and won’t be directly affected, but the EU and its NATO seem to want war. Of course the Buttinsky US has its economic stakes in the Eurasian heart, too.


        • I agree that the triumvirate of CIA, M16, and Mossad are pulling all the strings and have been since after WWI and the Versailles peace negotiations, when the Allies were busy dividing up the conquered lands and acquiring territories.

          Liked by 1 person

    • All good questions, Aunty. I don’t think the US and Europe care who they go to war with. They want a war for political reasons – to conceal from their civilian populations how badly they’re managing their economies.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: France Preparing to Deploy 2,000 Troops to Help Fight Russia in Ukraine | Worldtruth

  3. Pingback: Europe: soldiers and young people flee armies | Worldtruth

  4. Pingback: NATO Begins Deploying Troops in Ukraine | Worldtruth

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