26-Year-Old Neurosurgery Resident Dies in July, 7th Canadian Doctor to Die in Two Weeks

Source: Lauryn Buyting/ Facebook

Jim Hoft

Gateway Pundit

“Some people don’t believe in heroes. But they haven’t met my brother,” Ryan’s sister, Lauryn Buyting wrote on her social media account.

“Thank you for inspiring me to believe in myself a little more everyday and for giving me so many reasons to smile. Anyone who knows me, knows how much my brother meant to me and how much this loss will affect my life and my family,” she added.

His death has not been officially attributed to a specific reason, however . . .  according to Dr. William Makis MD, cancer researcher at the University of Alberta and Nuclear Medicine Physician . . . require all students and residents to be fully vaccinated.


“I’ve just been informed that Dr. Ryan Buyting, age 26, who was a promising medical student from Dalhousie and had just started Neurosurgery residency at Alberta Health Services in Edmonton, Alberta, has “died suddenly,” he wrote.


26-Year-Old Neurosurgery Resident Dies in July, Making Seven Canadian Doctors to Die in Two Weeks

5 thoughts on “26-Year-Old Neurosurgery Resident Dies in July, 7th Canadian Doctor to Die in Two Weeks

  1. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “The reason why those evil bastards were hell bent on getting us ALL vaccinated so quickly was so that we would not see why we should NOT have gotten vaccinated. In other words, those of us who did NOT get vaccinated would see why we chose NOT to get vaccinated.”

    Sadly, expect millions more to succumb to those “vaccines” that were rushed through, promised to be safe and effective and yet are neither. It would have been better to lose your job than lose your life. You can get another job, but you cannot get another life. Something for people to think about.

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