The People Made the First New Deal. Can the People Make Another?

In our memory Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the standard bearer of the New Deal but it did not start that way. FDR was a reluctant reformer pushed into progressive action because millions of people were willing to experiment with radical solutions.

Be Freedom

WV-TeachersStrike-ap-imgMassive Protest and Organizing Created the New Deal

The kind of electoral victories we need will take far more than standard electioneering and Facebook debates.  Let’s look at what it took to create the New Deal so we can see just how challenging the task ahead is. During the Great Depression massive organizing efforts and protest movements were necessary just to reform the two-party system. New Deal history strongly suggests that the current dementer v. demexit debate is largely a waste of time until we organize movements powerful enough to upset the existing order.

In our memory Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the standard bearer of the New Deal but it did not start that way.  FDR was a reluctant reformer pushed into progressive action because millions of people were willing to experiment with radical solutions.

Mass movements, third parties and revolutionary parties, labor upheaval, agrarian unrest, powerful populists, discontented veterans, and Democratic congressmen

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4 thoughts on “The People Made the First New Deal. Can the People Make Another?

  1. It is like you say Doc. They want everything. I saw that movie where they sucked 40% of everything after 2008. You are a very compassionate , caring person. I wish there were more like you! People will have to do something, because the warmonging not only makes us broke, makes the world hate us, makes our great depression worse, it is causing us to ignore pressing infrastructure and environmental issues. Mexico will hav 43% renewable by 2025. The US is not even close. If any one of our old nuclear reactors blows or the fuel catches fire or both, we are screwed bad.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ken, perhaps I’m naive, but my experience is most people are pretty compassionate and caring unless they have their back up against the wall. In my mind, the only solution is to give up the isolated, individualized existence that’s being promoted by Wall Street and Silicon Valley with all their Smart Phones and tablets and automated personal assistants. We’ve got to start looking after one another – at the neighborhood level to start with and then the community level.


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