Roundup Linked to Antibiotic Resistance

A recent study from University of Canterbury in New Zealand shows that glyphosate (Roundup) and other commonly used herbicides can make bacteria quickly adapt and resist antibiotics like ampicillin and tetracycline. Glyphosate, 2,4-D (dioxin) and dicamba (recently approved by the FDA) appear to disable the antibiotics and trigger bacterial resistance to them.

Researchers tested E. coli and Salmonella, two of the most deadly and widespread bacteria in the world, and consistently replicated their results

The dosage required to induce antibiotic resistance was small, comparable to the concentration found in household use or agriculture, but higher than the concentration of incidental residue found in food. However researchers cautioned that people could easily reach this threshold by consuming large quantities of food with small amounts of residue, through children and pets exposed to weed killers used on lawns or via livestock pastured in spray drift zones.

Growing antibiotic resistance is already increasing the death rate from untreatable infectious disease. Epidemiologists estimate drug resistant bacteria kill roughly 23,000 Americans annually.

Given established links between glyphosate, dioxin, dicamba and cancer, this new evidence linking them to antibiotic resistance will only increase global pressure for them to be banned.

Source:  Study Says Pesticides Spur Antibiotic Resistance

7 thoughts on “Roundup Linked to Antibiotic Resistance

  1. There was a time when people could expect their government to protect them from such hazards. No longer. This kind of tragic madness is allowed because elected political leaders in democratic nations, around the world, are bought and owned by wealthy corporate interests.


  2. To my way of thinking, JoAnn, regulated capitalism has never worked terribly well. The so-called regulatory agencies have always been appointed out of the corporations they are supposed to regulated – to serve the interests of these corporations. If the public occasionally succeeds in organizing massive grassroots opposition to specific products, they can eventually win a few selective bans. Until someone like Trump comes along and repeals them.


  3. We are on the cusp of an antibiotic apocalypse according to many experts in the field. The morning news greeted me with the use of these chemicals in farm animals and one or two companies are declaring how much they are used in the meat they sell. Nothing stands still as technology advances so do bacteria , as humans increase in numbers so do rats. Long long ago Fleming warned us when he discovered penicillin.


  4. Good points, kertsen. I think our over-reliance on antibiotics has had some serious unintended consequences. The most serious in my view has between the harm done to gut bacteria who it now appears control our immunity, metabolism and neurophysiology. With a result being a vast increase in the incidence of a whole range of chronic disease. The time has come for human being to stop fighting nature and to work with nature instead – especially when it comes to health.


  5. Pingback: Roundup Weed Killer Called Out as a Bee Killer | Topcat1957's Blog

  6. Pingback: Roundup weed killer called out as a bee killer –

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