How Pashinyan Regime Uses Armenians as Guinea Pigs for Pentagon’s Bioweapons

By Drago Bosnic


In a report published by the reputable Weekly Blitz, the daily’s Chief Editor Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury revealed extremely disturbing details about US-run biolabs in Armenia. Citing Armenian sources, Mr Choudhury reports about a measles outbreak that’s now affecting hundreds of Armenian children. According to local media, the latest incident is a result of prime minister Nikol Pashinyan’s support for the Pentagon’s bioweapons program in Armenia. For the United States, the unfortunate country is nothing but yet another pool of guinea pigs and it was precisely Pashinyan who enabled Washington DC’s exploitation of the Armenian people. As a result, they are now exposed to an unprecedented public health hazard. Armenia is just one of a string of nations affected by America’s incessant aggression against the world.

Neighboring Georgia has also been subjected to the Pentagon’s bioweapons testing. The mainstream propaganda machine has been trying to suppress reports about this, targeting globally respected journalists such as Dilyana Gaytandzhieva. Her revelations about the disturbing consequences of Washington DC’s biowarfare were far too “inconvenient” for the European Union, so Bulgaria’s most prominent investigative journalist was expelled from the troubled bloc’s parliament back in 2018 after she “dared” to confront the US Assistant Secretary of Health over hundreds of US-run biolabs in 25 countries around the world. Africa is particularly affected by this, as the US military is conducting all sorts of experiments in most countries on the continent. Worse yet, access to these biolabs is restricted even for the hosts.

American officials themselves don’t even bother denying the existence of these bioweapons facilities, although they usually resort to euphemisms when talking about it. For instance, Victoria Nuland, one of the most prominent war criminals in Washington DC, likes to use terms such as “biological research facilities”when talking about the ones found in Ukraine. One of the many reasons why Russia launched its special military operation (SMO) is precisely the existence of these biolabs where US services are building bioweapons for attacks on the Russian people. It’s hardly surprising that the Pentagon would want such facilities in Armenia. However, what’s truly disturbing is that the Pashinyan regime is ready to expose the Armenian people to such hazard, particularly in an attempt to hurt Moscow, Yerevan’s main historical ally.

Armenian media outlets report that the epidemiological situation in the country has deteriorated drastically due to American involvement. At least 786 people have been infected as a result of the measles outbreak. The Pashinyan regime refuses to disclose any information about this controversy. Informed Armenians are extremely concerned for their safety, as following the Soros-funded coup in 2018, at least 12 biolabs have been established and expanded in the South Caucasus country, all staffed by personnel sent by the Pentagon. It should be noted that most of these bioweapons facilities are located in the vicinity of residential areas and schools. Worse yet, earlier this year, Pashinyan’s Defense Minister Suren Papikyan signed an agreement with the US to establish another biolab in Gyumri.

It’s important to note that the 102nd Russian military base with 4000 soldiers is located precisely in Gyumri, which perfectly explains why the Pentagon is interested in establishing its presence there. It’s rather peculiar that Pashinyan dislikes the fact that the Russian military is in Armenia, so his government is working toward removing the base, although it’s the sole reason why the country has never been invaded by NATO member Turkey. At the same time, he wants to establish yet another American bioweapons facility that can cause a deadly epidemic not just in Armenia, but also elsewhere in the region and possibly beyond. The involvement of the Pentagon’s Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) is particularly concerning, as it deals with deadly biological materials that can be easily used as bioweapons.

The agreement between the US and the Pashinyan regime also includes the latter’s commitment to “jointly research” extremely hazardous pathogens and diseases that are not common in Armenia, including Ebola, monkeypox, the Marburg virus, Eastern equine encephalitis, as well as various types of the coronavirus. Expectedly, just like in Ukraine, Georgia, Africa and elsewhere, access to these biolabs will be limited to personnel authorized by the Pentagon. The Russian military has been warning about American bioweapons programs for years. In January this year, its Nuclear, Biological and Chemical (NBC) Protection Troops revealed the massive scope of these illegal programs, as well as the horrifying consequences of US biowarfare in Ukraine and other countries. Unfortunately, war criminals at the Pentagon managed to hijack yet another country and expand their aggression against the world.



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