Study Reveals Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Blood Differences

A representative segment of a Raman infrared spectrum
of a blood sample combined with a reference spectrum (translated)

Clifford E Carnicom

A study has been done to compare the blood of individuals who have received a COVID “vaccination” with those that have not.  The results indicate that significant differences exist, and these differences are anticipated and predicted to be additionally harmful to human health.  The combination of vaccination impact with that of synthetic biology transformation (CDB, nomenclature, 2014), extensively documented on this site, is especially profound.

The detailed study was conducted with the use of Raman infrared spectroscopy.  Mid infrared spectroscopy is a method of acquiring significant knowledge of the fundamental molecular structure of a sample.

Final differences were determined by comparing the top tier of redundant peaks between the two groups, for a total of 23 peaks regarded as in common.  Of the 23 peaks in the restricted tier examined, 17 peaks are coincident between the two groups and pose no further special consideration.

This paper centers on the six peaks that differ, and the implications of those differences.  These will be discussed in a general fashion only at this time.  Some additional study notes follow at the end of this paper.

Blood is not to be changed; human beings do not command the wisdom of the evolutionary process, nor of nature, nor of the Divine, as you are so inclined.  ANY change in the structure and nature of human blood is to be understood as a threat to our existence.  The warnings are no secret at this point, and they are trumpeted across the globe by those who value life.  Continue to disregard them at your own peril.

Specifically, here are the additional warnings to be given in this paper.  These represent the deviations in blood samples from Covid “vaccinated” individuals in comparison to those that have not received such:

The Short List:

1. An unexpected or altered metallic-nitrogen (iron likely) bond exists within hemoglobin.  Not expected within one sample set only.
2. Protein and carbohydrate modification (C-O bonding) . Altered protein function and cellular communication. Not expected within blood.
3. Modification of amide bonds within proteins is likely. (Hemoglobin is a protein.)
4. Protein conformation or disulfide bond alteration is indicated.
5. Changes in fatty acid or lipids indicated. Red blood cell membranes can be affected.
6. Modification of aromatic rings possible, no single well defined functional groups in this region.

The primary combined net effect of these deviations in blood within the VAXXED sample points to alterations in hemoglobin structure that likely impact oxygen transport across the body.  Protein functioning and enzymatic activity are also likely to be impaired. This summary statement does not include the impact of the CDB (i.e., synthetic biology) upon blood and it is restricted to the spectral deviations observed.  Additional comments regarding the spectral deviations in combination with synthetic biology (CDB) impact will be discussed later.



2 thoughts on “Study Reveals Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Blood Differences

  1. After reading what has been coming out about those Covid bioweapon “clot shots,” if I had been injected with that “clot shot,” I would have spontaneously combusted by now from rage and abject fear of what is to come down the pike, “health wise.” Crimes against humanity!!!! And yet no one has taken to the streets, en masse over this. I guess they’re all sick and dying or already dead and those of us who are “pure bloods,” are busy protecting our arms from the next “vaccine” bioweapon to come down the damn pike!

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