Hamas Statement on Ceasefire Proposal Requests Russia, China and Turkey Stand as Guarantors

Internationalist 360°

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The Hamas Movement has demonstrated, in all stages of the negotiations to stop the aggression, the positivity required to reach a comprehensive and satisfactory agreement based on the just demands of our people for a final cessation of aggression, a complete withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, the return of the displaced, reconstruction and the conclusion of a serious prisoner exchange deal.

Below, we clarify the Movement’s positions towards proposals to stop the aggression:

First: Hamas has dealt positively and with national responsibility with the latest proposal and all proposals to reach a ceasefire agreement and release the detainees.

Second: The proposal that Hamas received from the mediators on May 5th was approved in announcement the very next day, as we delivered our response on May 6th, which was considered by the mediators and all parties to be positive and encouraging, while Netanyahu’s response to Hamas‘s agreement was to attack Rafah and escalate its aggression against our people throughout the Gaza Strip.

Third: The Movement clearly expressed its positive position on what was included in US President Joe Biden’s speech on 31/5/2024 in which he called for a permanent ceasefire, the withdrawal of the occupation forces from the Gaza Strip, reconstruction and an exchange of prisoners, while we only heard from the occupation government, led by the terrorist Netanyahu, emphasizing the continuation of the genocide war and attacking the proposal that came from President Biden, in contrast to the claim that the occupation had agreed to it.

Fourth: The Movement welcomed the Security Council resolution and its emphasis regarding a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, complete withdrawal from it, the exchange of prisoners, reconstruction, the return of the displaced to their areas of residence, the rejection of any demographic change or reduction of the area of ​​the Gaza Strip, and the introduction of the necessary aid to our people in the Strip. The Movement confirmed its readiness to cooperate with the mediator brothers to enter into indirect negotiations on the implementation of these principles in line with the demands of our people and our resistance.

Fifth: In return for that, the world did not hear any welcome or approval from Netanyahu and his Nazi government to the Security Council resolution, but rather they continued to emphasize the rejection of any permanent ceasefire, in clear contradiction of the Security Council resolution and President Biden’s initiative.

Sixth: While Blinken continues to talk about “israel’s” approval of the latest proposal, we have not heard any “israeli” official speak of this approval.

Seventh: We consider the positions issued by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, through which he attempted to exonerate the zionist occupation, wash his hands stained with the blood of innocent children, women and the elderly, and hold the Movement responsible for obstructing reaching an agreement a continuation of the American policy of complicity in the brutal genocide war against our Palestinian people, which allows the occupation to continue its crime with full American political and military cover.

In this context, we call on Mr. Blinken and the administration of President Biden to direct pressure on the fascist occupation government, which is determined to complete the mission of killing and genocide, in flagrant violation of all international laws and treaties.

Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas
Wednesday: 06 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH
Corresponding to: June 12, 2024 AD

Hamas Public Relations Officer in Lebanon, Mahmoud Taha, to Al-Aqsa TV:

The legendary steadfastness of the resistance and its tactics in the war, causing continuous losses to the enemy for 9 months, strengthens and reinforces the position of the resistance. The resistance is the only asset of the Palestinian people and the only solution for imminent liberation.

The amendments presented by Hamas in the negotiation proposal are neither difficult nor impossible. They are in the interest of the Palestinian people after those horrific massacres.

The international community and the Security Council are facing a test in their decision to ceasefire, open crossings, and allow aid entry, provided they exert significant pressure on the Zionist entity.

We consider the United States biased towards the zionist side, and if it wanted to pressure to stop the war, it would have done so earlier.

Our reliance in this war is not on regimes and governments, but rather on the peoples who have taken to the streets in demonstrations worldwide to support Gaza. The protests continue in the United States and many Western countries, as well as some Arab countries like Yemen. We rely on the support fronts for the resistance in Yemen and Lebanon.

Resistance News Network

Via https://libya360.wordpress.com/2024/06/12/hamas-statement-on-ceasefire-proposal-requests-russia-china-and-turkey-stand-as-guarantors/

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