White House Calls 4th Amendment Threat to National Security

4 thoughts on “White House Calls 4th Amendment Threat to National Security

  1. Pingback: White House Calls 4th Amendment Threat to National Security – NewDYRTO

  2. I had to pull out my various sources on the Constitution to obtain the wording of the fourth amendment. I learned from my World Book Encyclopedia (2007 ed) an interpretation that soft pedals how the first ten amendments, the Bill of Rights, were hotly debated between Federalists and Anti-Federalists, back in 1790. Representatives of some states (notably Virginia and Rhode Island) refused to ratify the Constitution without amendments specifically protecting individuals from unwarranted search and seizure. That is the essence of the fourth amendment.
    In middle school Civics class, I learned the Bill of Rights existed as a guarantee of individual freedoms against an overpowering federal government.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: White House Calls 4th Amendment Threat to National Security | Worldtruth

  4. Basically the 4th amendment assure there will be illegal search and seizure without a warrant (issued by a judge). I understand the House has just passed a bill legalizing warrant-less search and seizure of online activities and information.


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