Dynasty XXII: Libyan Mercenaries Conquer and Unite Egypt


Shoshenq I (middle) gives offering to Amun (left), accompanied by his son Iuput (right), drawn by Ippolito Rosellini at the Bubastite Portal.

Shoshenq I (middle) gives offering to Amun (left), accompanied by his son Iuput (right)

Episode 37 Dynasty XXII:  Egypt United

The History of Ancient Egypt

Professor Robert Brier

Film Review

Dynasty XXII was actually a Libyan dynasty, which reunited and ruled Egypt for 200 year from their delta capitol. Most of the information archeologists have collected about the XXIInd dynasty comes from the Serapeum in Saqqara. The latter is the burial place for the Apis bulls sacred to Ptah. There are inscriptions inside the tomb identifying the king undertaking the burial. Archeologists have also found a few tombs of Libyan kings.

Large numbers of Libyans (most likely descendants of Libyans captured during Ramses III’s war with Libya) had settled in the delta region and were used as mercenaries by pharaohs of earlier dynasties. The first Libyan king Shoshenq I (945-924 BC) was the chief of the Meshwesh (Libyan mercenaries) and claimed the throne after marrying the daughter of the last king of the XXIst dynasty.

To secure Egyptian unity, Shoshenq appointed all his sons to high administrative positions in his government. One became the high priest of Amun in Thebes and the commander-in-chief of the army, one became the third prophet of Amun and one was was made military commander of Heracleopolis in Middle Egypt.

Shoshenq (referred to Shesaq in the Bible) launched a campaign against Palestine, weakened due its recent division into Israel and Judah. After his troops captured 156 Palestinian cities, his troops encircled Jerusalem and retreated after the city fathers gave him all the gold shields and other treasures of the city.

Shoshenq I’s successors:

  • Osorkon I (924-990 BC) –  best known for donating 400,000 pounds of silver to Egyptian temples. His whole family is buried in solid silver coffins. Orsokon’s cousin Harsi was high priest at Karnak and briefly declared himself king of Upper Egypt. Following hi death, Orsokon appoint his son as high priest of Karnak and reunited the country. Under Orsokon, Egypt allied with Israel to march (and prevail) against Assyria, which posed a major threat to both countries.
  • Shoshenq II (887-885 BC)
  • Takelot II (885-872 BC) – eventually puts down a 10 year civil war and burns the bodies of the rebels (so they can’t be reincarnated).
  • Orsokon IV (730-715 BC) – last king of XXIInd Dynasty

Film can be viewed free with a library card on Kanopy.


1 thought on “Dynasty XXII: Libyan Mercenaries Conquer and Unite Egypt

  1. What poppycock… Palestine did not even exist in any form in those eras. This is just a propaganda piece couched as history, and is just historical revisionism.


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