Does the 9-11 Timeline Date Back to 1977?

Solving 9-11: The Original Articles: Volume II

By Christopher Bollyn

Book Review – Part II

Link to Part  I:  Making Sense of 9-11

Bollyn maintains the the first evidence of a right wing Likud plot to attack a major New York building with airliners dates back to 1977,  when they first came to power in Israel. He emphasizes the involvement of early Likud leaders in the terrorist Stern Gang and Irgun, whose bombings and assassinations were responsible for driving the British out of Palestine in 1947. All three entities are notorious for their false flag terrorism, starting with the bombing (by Jewish terrorists disguised as Arabs of Jerusalem’s King David Hotel in 1946.*

He also provides compelling evidence that in 1983  Israeli military intelligence, headed by Ehud Barak, played a principal role in initiating a project to arm and train anti-Western mujaheddin (including Osama bin Laden) in Pakistan – a project co-funded by the CIA and Saudi Arabia. In 1994, these Israeli trained forces would morph into al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Bollyn’s timeline:

1977 – Likud comes to power in Israeal.

1978 – Top level (involved in in smuggling nuclear triggers to Israel) Mossad spy Arnon Milchon produces the British film The Medusa Touch, in which a 747 crashes into New York’s Panam building.

1979 – Likud rolls out their War on Terror doctrine at the 1979 Jerusalem Conference – attended by Bush senior and other world leaders.

1979 – former head of Israeli intelligence predicts Arab terrorists will bomb the tallest building in New York.

1982 – World Zionist Organization publishes plan for “balkanizing” the Middle East by breaking up major Arab countries into smaller ethnic and religious conclaves.

1982 – Israel invades Lebanon and Reagan sends 1,800 Marines to Beirut as peacekeepers.

1983 – Ehud Barak begins arming and training anti-Western Arabs in Pakistan, which morph into al-Qaeda and the Taliban in 1994

1985 – Top level Israeli spy Arnon Milchan produces Brazil, a science fiction film about a society subject to frequent senseless acts of terror whose government wages a continual war against terrorists in some distant land.

1987 – Two Mossad agents awarded security contract for the World Trade Center. Contract immediately canceled when the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey learn one of the applicants is using a false name.

1993 – World Trade Center hit by truck bomb explosion.

1993 – Mossad-linked Kroll Associates awarded security contract for the World Trade Center

2000 – Top Israeli spy Milchon and Rupert Murdoch co-produce The Lone Gunman TV series in which hijacked airliners are flown into the Twin Towers.

2000 – Zionist William Kristol (member of Emergency Committee for Israel) and Robert Kagan found Project for a New American Century, which calls for US occupation of Iraq.

July 2001 – World Trade Center privatized, with Larry Silverstein assuming 99-year lease on buildings 1-6. He already owned Building 7, which he built in 1980.

*In a false flag event a political power deliberately commits a terrorist act which they attempt to blame on an enemy. Other notorious Israeli false flag events include

1954 – Israeli agents disguised as Muslim Brotherhood members bomb US and UK libraries in Egypt.

1967 – Israeli jets and torpedo boats attempt to sink the USS Liberty and frame Egypt for the attack.

1973 – Israeli agents masquerading as Islamic Jihad drive a massive truck bomb into US Marine barracks in Lebanon, killing

1986 – Masquerading as Libyan government agents, Mossad operatives send a series of terrorist orders to numerous Libyan embassies, fooling President Ronald Reagan into dropping over sixty tons of bombs on Libya.