5 ways they’re trying to trick you into taking Covid “vaccine”

Sergiy Maidukov

Kit Knightly

Off Guardian

The increasingly desperate ploys are all in play, and if you’re not paying attention you might just fall for them

The vaccine rollout is in full flow now, the daily tickers have had “people vaccinated” added to their red counters, and the improbably large number grows more improbably large every day.

The sale of the century is very much on. The powers that be want every single person to be vaccinated, and they’re pulling out all the stops to make sure it happens.

Here are the five main ways the establishment is trying to manufacture your consent.

1. Bribery

It’s being reported that everyone getting vaccinated is the only way to get “back to normal”.

Don’t you want to go to the pub again? Or the gym? Or see granny? Or hug people?

Well, just take the shot. Take the shot and all this lockdown and social distancing economic collapse and mounting poverty, it will all just go away.

It’s a common refrain, one which rather clashes with “new normal” we’ve been hearing about for a over year.

In fact, it looks like “back to normal” may come with a qualifying asterisk. For example embattled New York governor Andrew Cuomo has said vaccines will help the state “get back to normal*”…

…where “normal” involves an “Excelsior Pass”.

You don’t need me to explain the complexities of this technique. It’s simple coercion. “Do as we say, and you’ll get a treat.”

Important to remember: “Getting back to normal” is a lie. As much as people repeat the mantra in soundbites and social media posts, the “experts” are clearer – many have said we will NEVER be going back to normal, and others have said we need to maintain anti-Covid measures until at least 2022. The “vaccine” itself does not even claim to limit transmission, even those vaccinated are still being ordered to follow the restrictions.

2. Celebrity Endorsements

One of the oldest and most widely used marketing gimmicks. Partly because it works, but mostly because it’s cheap and easy: Simply find a bunch of tools and put them to work.

The NHS was not shy about this approach, claiming they were planning to enlist “sensible celebrities” who are “known and loved” to combat anti-vax sentiment.

For example, Patrick Stewart:

14 thoughts on “5 ways they’re trying to trick you into taking Covid “vaccine”

  1. Let’s get this straight; we all need an experimental vaccine that wasn’t thoroughly tested over at least several years before springing it into action which already has produced countless deaths around the globe and for example is now estimated that the vaccine has killed 40X more elderly than the actual Covid-19 virus! Mind you Covid-19 has a 99.97% or better survival rate and is way less lethal as viruses go and even compared to the annual flu which is a much more highly adaptable and deadly virus, and not everyone has ever been required to get a flu shot or lock-downs would ensue!!! I never gotten the flu shot and most winters I’m not sick or sometimes I had a cold like illness that I quickly eradicate with my powerful old fashioned homeopathic remedies and plenty of rest!

    You know what’s going on as well as I do they don’t want anything to go back to Normal or how things used to be because his is all the preliminary stage of pushing the global population toward chip identification and totalitarian control to, I shit you not, enslave the whole human race taking away more and more rights until we are nothing but objects to be dealt with any way they want to; which will be on to eventual depopulation! Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci in lockstep with Xi Jinping and the CCP are all on the same page with many other global leaders or operatives and elitists like Soros; who are now seeing the opportunity to lock-down and lock-in on NWO control which was the plan for decades while technologies especially AI Digital Communication was ramping up.

    This is all happening now because they have the pieces in place and are ready to execute their diabolical plan! Make no mistake about it that Bill Gates is a diabolical satanic creature with really no credentials in any medical area of science nor has he been qualified through appropriate protocol to be issuing his opinion and point of view on any public health policies yet here he is in one of the drivers seats pushing this agenda, or in the in the very least as a co-pilot to Fauci, all because he has enormous capital wealth power, and his kind of capital opens any doors he wants it to open! For years he has covertly worked with Xi Jinping and the CCP like Biden has, making all sorts of arrangements, and prior to the Covid-19 release into the global population; he was directly involved with the research at the Wuhan Lab from which it originated in China; while also, as I said very covert dealings with Xi Jinping such as some type of mobile execution units are rumored to have been designed in China with his input! It may be some misinformation or a misread by clandestine sources of something else, but, knowing what Xi and Gates are about I wouldn’t ever put such concepts and even worse plans past them; they are truly diabolical! Welcome to the not New Normal but the Absolute Abnormal!

    All I can say is God help us because nothing people try to do now to stop these sinister derelicts will do much good now that the cat’s out of the bag or Frankenstein is set on auto control.
    Lawrence Morra III
    Attempted reblogging this important information but not working; so leaving the long comment and will try the reblog again later.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Jeanne and I’m sure my outlook sounds nearly hopeless but my middle name over the years should have been hope the way I would always see the bright side of things! That changed drastically over the last 15 years after seeing 911 as just a precursor or portend of worse things to come, as they did in my own personal life; and all due to people. I no longer have any of that confidence in human beings that I always did!

        Mind you I still see so much good and even greatness in a few here and there, as well as even a sweet beauty in some who actually have genuine humanity dwelling in their hearts! My God, look at innocent little babies and be amazed at the precious beauty and innocence so vibrant and new, not yet christened by the mean world and harsh realities of human failure!

        The future is bleak; I’m not imagining that and just by what we see happening over even that last couple of decades I see no way that the human race won’t derail itself as evil has grown exponentially and with the advent of AI and Digital Data Transference out pacing the human moral and ethical maturity it will only be a matter of time before things get way out of control, and in a sense they already have! Stop and think about how diabolical humans have become to allow full term day of delivery abortion and those aborted babies are being harvested in many instances for profit and wild scientific experimentation for very sinister selfish purposes! Some of the young women having abortions actually have a Happy Abortion Party afterward celebrating their freedom to do it and I guess make the statement they are in control of their own bodies! Oh really, and when they get pregnant obviously not wanting a child they just had a convenient momentary lapse in that control of their own bodies and reproductive organs; is that it? This is all as I see it extremely diabolical and like the canary in the mine shaft. Where is the moral integrity in such people? I say they have none and think about this issue on an exponential level as to what sort of people will exist down the road with all of the propaganda and rewriting of history and woke mentality with cancel culture and other such nonsense running rampant; producing some of the most confused and weird people I’ve ever seen since my boyhood days; and is it any wonder when they grow up in this train wreck!

        Then picture such people in powerful positions say even a global leader with buttons for nuclear weapons at their fingertips or worse biological scourges than any little old Covid-19; that is weaponized to take out certain groups of people with certain genetic characteristics, so a selective kill if you will. Are we to believe that looking say at Xi Jinping and the CCP or even Biden, that they are all heart and with the enormous power they have at their disposal they will be ever so mindful not to cause harm in the world? While knowing that Xi and his regime took out 1.2 million Tibetans, another selective kill if you will or what’s otherwise known as genocide; as of 2016! Or this whole Hoax Covid-19 Plan-demic!

        No as I see it man’s technological capabilities far outgrew his benevolence and genuine humanity, meaning that humans will use power and new technologies for ulterior and nefarious designs exceedingly well and it’s not going to be a “Salvation Army” mindset ruling the world by these people coming up in the near future! Just look at what the people along with the “propaganda machine” Installed as an American POTUS, the 48 year career professional politician (Government Sanctioned) organized crime syndicate racketeer Scranton Joe; to run the most powerful country on the planet who in less than his first two months in office signed at least 50 executive orders, which obviously means if he and others in charge are in that much of a hurry to radically alter the landscape; it can’t be good! All caution has been chucked to the wind and petal to the metal, no holds barred; raging slam bam thank you ma’am mindsets are in play! We all know the adage “haste makes waste” and moms always told us “don’t be in such a hurry or you may have an accident or something!”

        I just noticed your other question about why the wicked men wind up in control. Why did the Germans allow Adolph Hitler to do what he did? Or like I said why did American’s allow a fraud and madman to be installed not properly vetted and elected; as the Commander in Chief? To me it’s just like the criminal that sits around in any spare time, or while in prison; coming up with better ways to beat the system or take advantage, so eventually the bad guys pull the wool over everyone’s eyes because decent people aren’t like that, they work hard and aren’t trying to take advantage; and like to spend their spare time with family or doing some nurturing activity for themselves or others!
        It’s like the Devil; which I actually believe is real, who has been coming up with all the angles and schemes conceivable under the sun or in hell for that matter! The old saying about having “plenty of tricks up his sleeve!”

        I wish I saw a more encouraging future but I sure don’t; and I can’t seem to get around that fact without becoming deluded.


  2. Reblogged this on Zero Lift-Off and commented:
    Let’s get this straight; we all need an experimental vaccine that wasn’t thoroughly tested over at least several years before springing it into action which already has produced countless deaths around the globe and for example is now estimated that the vaccine has killed 40X more elderly than the actual Covid-19 virus! Mind you Covid-19 has a 99.97% or better survival rate and is way less lethal as viruses go and even compared to the annual flu which is a much more highly adaptable and deadly virus, and not everyone has ever been required to get a flu shot or lock-downs would ensue!!! I never gotten the flu shot and most winters I’m not sick or sometimes I had a cold like illness that I quickly eradicate with my powerful old fashioned homeopathic remedies and plenty of rest!

    You know what’s going on as well as I do they don’t want anything to go back to Normal or how things used to be because his is all the preliminary stage of pushing the global population toward chip identification and totalitarian control to, I shit you not, enslave the whole human race taking away more and more rights until we are nothing but objects to be dealt with any way they want to; which will be on to eventual depopulation! Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci in lockstep with Xi Jinping and the CCP are all on the same page with many other global leaders or operatives and elitists like Soros; who are now seeing the opportunity to lock-down and lock-in on NWO control which was the plan for decades while technologies especially AI Digital Communication was ramping up.

    This is all happening now because they have the pieces in place and are ready to execute their diabolical plan! Make no mistake about it that Bill Gates is a diabolical satanic creature with really no credentials in any medical area of science nor has he been qualified through appropriate protocol to be issuing his opinion and point of view on any public health policies yet here he is in one of the drivers seats pushing this agenda, or in the in the very least as a co-pilot to Fauci, all because he has enormous capital wealth power, and his kind of capital opens any doors he wants it to open! For years he has covertly worked with Xi Jinping and the CCP like Biden has, making all sorts of arrangements, and prior to the Covid-19 release into the global population; he was directly involved with the research at the Wuhan Lab from which it originated in China; while also, as I said very covert dealings with Xi Jinping such as some type of mobile execution units are rumored to have been designed in China with his input! It may be some misinformation or a misread by clandestine sources of something else, but, knowing what Xi and Gates are about I wouldn’t ever put such concepts and even worse plans past them; they are truly diabolical! Welcome to the not New Normal but the Absolute Abnormal!

    All I can say is God help us because nothing people try to do now to stop these sinister derelicts will do much good now that the cat’s out of the bag or Frankenstein is set on auto control.
    Lawrence Morra III


    • I agree with the idea that The Agenda is running full sped ahead, but for one thing. I think Dr. Bramhall has good sense and a good sense about what ordinary people can achieve once they take the blinders off. It seems more and more people are waking up to this science fiction fantasy entitled “COVID-19 Pandemic,” and they are beginning to feel the rage of having been betrayed by those who claim (or pretend) to know what’s good (or not good) for them. Maybe US Americans are ready to grow up and become adults, at last. Let’s hope so.

      Liked by 1 person

      • The fantasy was more than that; it was an atrocity and full of crimes against humanity and this all points to the diabolical never mind growing up in the US; which is true most of the younger among us are out to lunch crybabies that go mental when they can’t get their own way, but we’re talking about the kind of Lenin/Marxist totalitarian communist thinking that has always slaughtered their own resisting peoples as for example the evil that China and Russia are governed by, or the same control ultimatums that Iran, Turkey or North Korea swear life and limb by; and it’s not going away, so being awake won’t change the paradigm that is in place and coming full steam ahead! And as far as growing up have you observed closely the UK or other European nations that have slipped into the stupor of open borders and all for one and one for all Fantasy with now the coddling capitulation to Muhammad Muslim Jihadist driven non assimilation, that’s tearing apart the cultural and religious heritage of Europe.

        All we need do is look at China or Russia and see where this is all headed, because you don’t see people protest in those locales that ever amounts to a hill of beans; in the end all are crushed! As I see it, all this noise from the peanut gallery now is too little too late! People were too lazy and asinine to do what should have been done decades ago! We consistently see here in the US high ranking political and government officials cave in to the paradigm that’s in place now! AG Barr went chicken shit and did nothing to uphold the rule of law! That says a whole lot about lack of commitment and intestinal fortitude where it’s needed sorely; so the banshees get to burn cities down! While the Evil Dem party cheers them on and advocates more of the same when needed!
        Sorry this former eternal optimist just decided that most people are too stupid to do the right thing especially when it’s time to get off their asses!

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        • I’m a voracious reader and have been all my life. In recent years, I’ve taken an interest in history, US history at first, but lately, I’ve become interested in ancient history, including ancient Egypt. I’m also an amateur astrologer, which has taught me something about the cycles of time.

          Astrology also teaches tolerance, because each moment has its own character, strengths and weaknesses and plays out in multitudinous dimensions according to its intrinsic nature. There is no such thing as a “good” or “evil” moment, for instance, nor is anything so rigidly constructed. Moments are dynamic in their infinite potentials, and each being born at a particular place and time incorporates all the qualities of that time-space orientation.

          All I’m saying is that it’s not over until it’s over, and all we can hope to understand is a minute portion of the process as it plays out.

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          • Your being a voracious reader is a great quality to have these days especially with so many of the youngest being of a music video mind set or short attention span and needing to be spoon fed anything of substantive value! Look at all the quick fix dumb and dumber video moments posted all over the net! People sit for hours staring at that gobbledygook of just useless input. Is that what real brain freeze is?

            With astrology it sounds like you may be delving into what I prefer to call Newtonian thinking and conceptualization of Celestial Mechanics.
            Celestial mechanics applies principles of physics to astronomical objects, such as stars and planets, to produce the ephemeris of translating observed and unobserved natural objects and events via physics, into the trajectory of naturally occurring astronomical objects into its resultant data.


            Sadly I see things spinning out of control because most people don’t bother to delve deep enough into these amazing matters of the world they are part of; or even give a care! People are for the most part are divorced from such great humanity of true genuine conscience or consciousness in today’s world; and most are on the diabolical ride of self-aggrandizement and stupidity or even worse than that true hate of others and even self! This world is so ugly and corrupted with “sin” now that you can’t tell me that any rational and sane person shouldn’t watch his or her back continually even when turned to coworkers, neighbors and sadly; in many cases even family or kin folk! Many people treat others like a fart in the wind! The kicker is; they do it to themselves also!

            But the “Father of Physics,” which is still another man-made conceptualization of material reality; had some of the more profound things to say about these facets of our experience in existence. So I want to leave something I find very insightful by a man we all know was a remarkably brilliant person who I think even though his head was immersed in the world of science and theories he had a keen insight into God’s presence and reality like few people can achieve with our limiting cognitive faculties.; and his respect and love of God was present and genuine; therefore we can say God will judge accordingly, I know for myself Einstein was a “good and respectful” soul in this world, so I do wish him well.
            Einstein on Self and the Mystical
            “A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.”
            -Albert Einstein, 1954
            “The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms – this knowledge, this feeling is at the centre of true religiousness.”
            -Albert Einstein – “The Merging of Spirit and Science”

            This man the father of physics had said a few great one liners but two that stand out are these. He referred to God as the “Old One.”

            He speaking to other physicists was known to have said during a discussion about the Big Bang Theory in which one scientist said that with enough random events occurring in this pre-millisecond before it happened then eureka the right combination occurred; Einstein just plainly said; “God doesn’t roll dice.”

            I hope I emphasized a few important points of light or enlightenment in the vast cosmic unknown void of outer space; if not at least in the inner cosmic mind!

            Liked by 1 person

  3. Now the people on their last legs, the dementia patients and the captive audience in nursing homes (and hospitals?) have been done and vaccination has reached the able bodied, able minded and free, there are fewer charts in the media crowing vaccine take up. Just when it was becoming interesting.

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      • Many years ago, I read most of the series of Carlos Castaneda’s books about his apprenticeship with Don Juan, a Yaqui Indian “man of knowledge” in Mexico. The books were eerie but fascinating. One of Don Juan’s ideas has stayed with me ever since. He said that death is always sitting on your shoulder. Best to make a friend of him, because you never know when your time is going to come.

        Ever since then, I’ve tried to live my life as though this day might be my last. It jives with the notion of “Be here now,” or “carpe diem,” but it also forces me to take responsibility for choices in thought, word, and deed.

        Humanity is very confused just now and it doesn’t know whom or what to trust. I look to animals and nature for sanity.

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        • Yes I too recall some reading decades ago now, about Don Juan’s flare for or in the least some surrounding atmosphere of mysticism and the like.

          What you said about “making a friend of death” to me is basically accepting reality and doing like my dad always said about “confronting a bottom line or even your own mistakes with accompanying consequential results; to accept it and make the best of it!” Death is that way for sure and what you say about “taking responsibility for choices in thought, word and deed,” is very much on target to “owning up and being responsible for your own actions!” Too many humans are playing “the blame game;” wouldn’t you agree that is a huge chunk or even the crux of the matter in this spinning out of control human universe; of almost pandemonium now?

          I had a very nice lady responding on an extremely well done blog site mentioned in her commentary in response to mine that it’s time to “man up” which I take literally as being a man, which I am; but, what I really mean is each of us person’s should try to be the best person we can be; for real!

          As far as animals; I love God’s beauty of creation or the “natural wonders of life in it!” Animals and the nature around me I have to swear here; are my sanity! Every day I put out seed and water for all the little animals that are abounding here; so I’ve made quite a few friends of them and even had to rescue some of the birds, squirrels or rabbits who trust me and I them, to be there, if even just for a fleeting moment as genuine co- sojourners in this amazing abundance of life and mystery! They are true friends; where as I’ve found in personal life and especially online, friend is a word or very relative concept that doesn’t carry all that much weight in reality; whereas nature is always real, and I can live with that, just like accepting death too; after all they do go hand-in-hand!

          So; like dad said, “accept it and make the Best of it!”

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