Starbucks Forced To Use Cancer Warning For Coffee In California

The Council for Education and Research on Toxics (CERT), a non-profit group, sued Starbucks and about 90 other companies in 2010 under a state law that requires warnings on a wide range of chemicals that can cause cancer or birth defects. Of major concern is acrylamide, a chemical compound produced in the roasting process.

Nwo Report

A Los Angeles superior court judge ruled that all coffee companies, including global giant Starbucks, must use cancer warning labels on products.

The judge ruled that California law requires coffee companies to carry a cancer warning label because of a chemical produced in the roasting process.

Starbucks and around 90 other companies have argued that the levels of the chemical compound found in coffee are harmless, especially compared to the drink’s health benefits

RT reports: A discussion on fines is ongoing, but they could amount to $2,500 per customer.
Judge Elihu Berle ruled that “defendants failed to satisfy their burden of proving… that consumption of coffee confers a benefit to human health.” The Council for Education and Research on Toxics (CERT), a non-profit group, sued Starbucks and about 90 other companies under a state law that requires warnings on a wide range of chemicals that can cause cancer or birth…

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9 thoughts on “Starbucks Forced To Use Cancer Warning For Coffee In California

  1. Well, this makes me mighty glad that I cannot consume anything with caffeine and so therefore, I am no coffee drinker. I couldn’t even drink decaf coffee. Tried it and still got the jitters! But for those of you who are avid coffee drinkers and who cannot miss a morning of Starbuck’s coffee, I feel for you. Coffee, once touted as truly good for you, has now been declared, a health risk. SIGH! Next!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Shelby, I confess. I hate Starbucks and everything they stand for, especially the slick way they exploit human weakness to make immense profits and the way they treat their workers. Coffee is an addiction – it’s the only way vast majority of Americans can confront their horrible working conditions under industrial capitalism. I can’t drink it now because of digestive problems but I became extremely dependent on it as a young person and am very sympathetic with people who rely on it to function.


  2. Is it REALLY the coffee OR is it what is added to said coffee? It is starbucks afterall.

    Did you know that pringles can cause cancer, due to a chemical created in the production stage?
    ***it’s called acrylamide, btw***
    You might need to eat a truck load first, but there’s still a chance.

    Liked by 1 person

    • According to the article, Kenneth, the chemicals are created when it’s roasted. The stuff that makes coffee smell and taste so great is actually a powerful insecticide so it’s not terribly surprising.


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