Assumption of US Dominance Has ended; Imperial Decline is Looming

The assumption of US dominance in regions like the Western Pacific and South China Sea has ended. In Europe, Russia has not been shy about challenging the seemingly endless eastward expansion of NATO. In the Middle East, too, Russia has come to be seen as an equal to the US in terms of clout, influence and the ability to arbitrate in regional conflicts. Despite its archipelago of more than 800 bases across the world, the US can no longer dictate to the world in the way it once could.

Covert Geopolitics

For spending too much on the military industrial complex, and in deliberately sowing conflicts worldwide by directly training and funding terrorist groups, in order to sustain the industry that only feeds on wars, the US economy has suffered immensely and has never recovered, since the 1960s.

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7 thoughts on “Assumption of US Dominance Has ended; Imperial Decline is Looming

  1. You put your finger on it, Alan. Aliens are the next big threat. Air Force Intelligence has been cooking this one up for years – I have a friend who has been monitoring this aspect of covert disinformation for 20 years.


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